Feb 20 , 2024

Architecture and Urban Development: GP on the "Hablemos de Raíz" Podcast

Reading time: 6 minutes

In a recent episode of the “Hablemos de raíz" podcast, Architect Ricardo Fernández, Regional Business Development Manager, and Engineer Julián dos Santos, Commercial Executive for Colombia at the firm, discussed current and future trends in architecture and urban development. The series is hosted by Lucas Gómez Cuartas, a distinguished speaker specializing in Real Estate and a real estate developer with over 20 years of experience. The session explored topics related to the real estate sector, the development of sustainable real estate projects, and the economic challenges that buyers face in today's market. 

Ricardo Fernández emphasized the integration of nature into urban projects, noting that "the pandemic taught us to value social contact and the experience of life in spaces that promote human interaction and a connection with nature." This approach highlights the firm's philosophy of creating environments that enhance human relationships and foster a closer connection with the environment. 

Julián dos Santos discussed the impact of increased domestic tourism on urban development in Colombia. He noted, "the construction of over 31,000 square meters of tourist accommodations per month in Colombia is driving economic diversification and local development," underscoring the necessity for architectural projects to adapt to regional social and economic dynamics. 

The conversation also emphasized the significance of mixed-use projects in enriching the urban and social experience for users. These projects integrate residential, commercial, and coworking elements to form self-sufficient ecosystems that promote integrated and sustainable communities. "Integrating different functions within the same space not only optimizes resources and space but also enriches the social lives of its residents, creating urban microcosms where people can live, work, and socialize in close proximity," Fernández added. 

In the context of post-pandemic urban trends, especially the return to in-person interactions and the revival of social life, Lucas Gómez highlighted the importance of human interaction. "Interactions among people have become crucial. Common areas in buildings are now 'smart' and adapt to various niches. Today, people are seeking proximity and connection," he observed. 

The discussion underlined the importance of adaptability and innovation in architecture and urban development, along with the firm's dedication to creating spaces that respect and enhance both the natural environment and the social fabric, paving the way for the future of urban development in the region.