Sep 22 , 2022

Our Experience in Mixed-Use Developments

Cala del Yacht, a project currently under development, located in Canelones, Uruguay. 

The growth and expansion of Latin American cities have required real estate developers to create solutions that maximize space utilization, sustainably use resources, and simultaneously offer significant benefits to their inhabitants and users, prioritizing the well-being and happiness of people at the same time. 

The mixed-use building style not only meets the sustainability and performance requirements that any project currently under development requires, but it also provides city dwellers with buildings that integrate work, recreation, shopping, home, and green areas, all in one place. This brings great short and long-term benefits to the functioning of cities, shortening distances, reducing traffic, and paving the way towards a flexible, sustainable future that enhances the most diverse life projects.  

Torre SJO, a preliminary project located in San José, Costa Rica.

At Gómez Platero Architecture & Urbanism, we develop each project according to the needs of each location, aiming to maximize the added value for the city and its inhabitants in terms of the project's diverse functionality, accessibility to quality public spaces and commercial services, and its capacity to adapt to the future. 

When a mixed-use project is effectively developed, taking into account the needs of its future residents, the effect within the territory in which it is inscribed is even greater than the sum of its parts. 

An effective mixed-use project generates: 

  • Sustainability and greater energy efficiency 
  • Better integration of urban services such as transportation 
  • Increased security and utilization of buildings 
  • Greater flexibility and adaptability of the building, increasing its long-term lifespan 
  • A higher quantity and quality of public spaces, such as parks or other green spaces.  
  • Hyper Mixed-Use: discover the conclusions of our research on Mixed-Use and Entertainment. 

Public space is key to imagining a sustainable and enjoyable future. It is through the interaction between humans and the natural environment where we focus on projecting spaces that house, inspire, and empower healthy and happy communities; and where, also, by successfully adding up all these points, we can generate greater profitability and increase the value per square meter above what is expected in each real estate development. 

Here are some of our main Mixed-Use Projects: 

Catehua (Monterrey, Mexico) 

This 95,324 m² project is located in an industrial sector of the city of Monterrey, characterized by low building density, generating an environment of integration of various programs in the public space, which provides a strong sense of community. Awarded "Best Mixed-Use Project" at the LADI 2018 awards. 

Atlántico Punta (Maldonado, Uruguay)  

The Atlántico building complex combines commercial, residential, corporate, and hotel programs in a large complex (63,300 m²) with amenities that adapt to the needs of a constantly transforming city. Awarded as the "Best Mixed-Use Development in the Americas" by the International Property Awards and LEED Core & Shell certification in process. 

Torre SJO (San José, Costa Rica)  

Torre SJO is a 63,300 m² project located in the center of San José on a major avenue in a sector of the city characterized by hotels, shops, and various services. It proposes a large plaza linked to the main street, where the different programs of the project integrate with the public space and the commercial promenade, creating a meeting place and reference point for the inhabitants.